7 Amazing Miniature Photography Ideas to Try Right Now

All the wedding photography experts out there are trying their best to stand out from the crowd. For that you need to level up your creative side and think out of the box. One such trending wedding poses ideas is the Miniature Photography. In this form of couple photography, both the partners are reduced to the size of the mini frames used for the image. Unlike the common couple poses for wedding photography, pre-wedding photos are created for the miniature effect.

So, how are the wedding miniatures made?

  • First, the idea or the backdrop of the image is selected. 
  • Later the newly married couple is asked to pose for the selected miniature photography. 
  • Once the shooting is done, the wedding photographer takes the photo and cut the couple out from the image and add them on the pre-decided mini photo frame. 

Sounds easy? Well, it isn’t! 

This form of pre wedding photos are challenging both on the creative part as well as the editing. As a photographer you can include 3 or more miniature photos for the cute couple pic gallery. 

Here’s some Miniature Photography Inspiration your way-

1. ‘Love on The Rocks’ Romance for Chintan & Dixita Couple Miniature :)

2. You can never go wrong with the classic beach-moments! 

3. Miniature figures photography allows you to add your favourite elements! 

4. High tide, or low tide – I’ll be by your side! 

5. For the love of vintage.

6. I would never leaf you. 

7. Sticking together and solving the puzzles of life.